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    Mr Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention; an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. People said that he resembled Byron, at least that his head was Byronic; but he was a bearded, tranquil Byron, who might live on a thousand years without growing old.

分类:文学名著 栏目:现代文学 作者:凡尔纳 录入时间:2018-05-03 05:55:05 信息:电子书, 1024, 176.43 KB , Zip+Txt, 2018-05-03 13:55:05, 全集, 凡尔纳

    Text     Writing research reports for college or work is often found far more difficult than it need so be. The following article offers some excellent advice on how to make the task easier and the report more impressive and effective. Whether you write a research report for a college professor or for a demanding boss in your profession, the author's advice will put you well on your way to bec0ming a skillful report writer.

分类:管理教育 栏目:社会科学 作者:网络收集 录入时间:2018-05-03 05:55:05 信息:电子书, 1024, 150.16 KB , Zip+Txt, 2018-05-03 13:55:05, 全集, 网络收集

  文案   朵棉第一次玩吃鸡,   匹配到了玩朋友号的亚服第一。   然后,   她一不小心,   开车把他撞死了。   朵棉蹲在角落:(T.T)对不起……   Broken:有话床上说。   *   You are the apple of my eyes.   你是我毕生所爱。   *校园   *吃鸡电竞   *高甜   内容标签:竞技 甜文   主角:朵棉,靳川 ┃ 配角:酱油君 ┃ 其它:弱水千流

分类:青春言情 栏目:浪漫言情 作者:弱水千流 录入时间:2018-07-13 13:38:22 信息:电子书, 1024, 225 KB, Zip+Txt, 2018-07-13 21:38:22, 全集, 弱水千流


分类:都市异能 栏目:都市生活 作者:一定要百合 录入时间:2018-05-03 04:06:08 信息:电子书, 1024, 54.0 KB, Zip+Txt, 2018-05-03 12:06:08, 全集, 一定要百合

    特工机构首席精英,一梦穿越。本尊既是行为草包,还是天生武学废柴?     抛尸乱葬岗不算,外加骚包美男壁咚?     洛溪瑶忍不住怒指苍天,what?are?you弄啥嘞?     天生鬼瞳不说,怀拥神禾炉鼎,身藏无双秘境,某女表示生活忒滋润。     虐渣爹,灭仇敌,斗庶妹,简直so?easy!     可惹谁不好,偏偏招惹上鬼帝君倾邪,一招引诱上榻,两招吃干/抹净,三招暖帐造娃…     洛溪瑶表示不淡定了…     “你除了会坑蒙拐骗,还会啥?”     “本帝宠妻成瘾,胸咚壁咚,样样精通。”     “外加镇宅顾娃,炮轰天下桃花。”     作品标签:宠文、穿越、炮灰逆袭、特工

分类:玄幻魔法 栏目:玄幻小说 作者:大辣椒 录入时间:2018-05-03 05:41:29 信息:电子书, 1024, 2.54 MB , Zip+Txt, 2018-05-03 13:41:29, 全集, 大辣椒